Lottery Widgets
Lotteries are the most popular form of gambling among users all over the world. The reason for this is partly because are legalized forms of gaming, mainly offered by national governments. Another reason is the ease in playing and large jackpots that can be won. lists below a range of widget codes that can be implemented into any website to deliver free and updated lotto results from over 50 lotteries around the world, available in several languages.
You implement the widget code one time and we take care of the rest. The content gets updated automatically, no other coding and changes afterwards.
The content provided is free to implement. Getting this from other sources will require to pay for access to their services along with any development work.
It can also improve your SEO work as content will be seen as originating on your website. Search engines will index the content and rank your pages for it.

Individual Lottery Results
To show the latest results and jackpots by lottery, you can copy and paste below widget code in your webpage, where you wish the lotto info to appear (select your implementation platform):
1. Copy below widget code in a Notepad file
<div><?php $html = ""; $url = ""; $xml = simplexml_load_file($url); $description = $xml->channel->item->description; $html .= "$description"; echo $html; ?></div>
2. Edit the parameters XX and yyyyyy in the URL source on line 3 of the code, with the parameters you want, listed in Parameters table below
3. Paste the edited code in your .PHP webpage of your website, where you wish the widget to appear.
4. Visit your website and see how the widget shows the lottery results
1. Copy below widget code in a Notepad file
<div><?php $html = ""; $url = ""; $xml = simplexml_load_file($url); $description = $xml->channel->item->description; $html .= "$description"; echo $html; ?></div>
2. Edit the parameters XX and yyyyyy in the URL source on line 3 of the code, with the parameters you want, listed in Parameters table below
3. Paste the edited code in your .HTML / .HTM webpage of your website, where you wish the widget to appear.
4. As HTML/HTML files do not natively run PHP code, you need to add the following code line in the .htaccess file from the route of your website
AddType application/x-httpd-php .html .htm
If there is no file, you can create one. The .htaccess code may be different from a web hosting to another, so in case above code does not work, please view your hosting FAQ or contact their support and ask for correct .htaccess settings to run PHP code in HTML/HTM files
5. Visit your website and see how the widget shows the lottery results
1. If you are using WordPress as the platform of your website, you need to install a plugin like Insert PHP that can run the php code in your WordPress posts/pages
2. After installing above WP plugin, copy the code below in a Notepad file
<div>[insert_php] $html = ""; $url = ""; $xml = simplexml_load_file($url); $description = $xml->channel->item->description; $html .= "$description"; echo $html; [/insert_php]</div>
3. Edit the parameters XX and yyyyyy in the URL source on line 3 of the code, with the parameters you want, listed in Parameters table below
4. Paste the edited shortcode in your WP post, where you wish the data to appear (ATTENTION: select Text view when including the code in your post and save it like that – do not change back to Visual as it will break your code).
5. Visit your website and see how the widget shows the lottery results
1. If you are using Joomla as the platform of your website, you need to install an extension like Sourcerer that can run the php code in your Joomla articles
2. After installing above Joomla extension, copy the code below in a Notepad file
{source}<div><?php $html = ""; $url = ""; $xml = simplexml_load_file($url); $description = $xml->channel->item->description; $html .= "$description"; echo $html; ?></div>{/source}
3. Edit the parameters XX and yyyyyy in the URL source on line 3 of the code, with the parameters you want, listed in Parameters table below
4. On line 5, edit the value 10 with the max number of match results you want returned in the widget. Preferably to return a number of games equal with half the number of league teams.
5. Paste the edited shortcode in your Joomla article, where you wish the data to appear.
6. Visit your website and see how the widget shows the lottery results
Parameters: Language / Lottery
Edit XX with:
- English – EN
- English – EN
Edit yyyyyy with:
- Australia Monday Lotto – australiamondaylotto
- Australia Oz Lotto – australiaozlotto
- Australia Powerball – australiapowerball
- Australia Wednesday Lotto – australiawednesdaylotto
- Australia Saturday Lotto – australiasaturdaylotto
- Austria Lotto – austrialotto
- Brazil Dupla Sena – brazilduplasena
- Brazil Mega Sena – brazilmegasena
- Canada Lotto 6/49 – canadalotto649
- Canada Ontario 49 – canadaontario49
- Colombia Baloto – colombiabaloto
- Europe EuroJackpot – europeeurojackpot
- Europe EuroMillions – europeeuromillions
- France Loto – franceloto
- Germany Lotto – germanylotto
- Hungary Hatoslotto – hungaryhatoslotto
- Hungary Otoslotto – hungaryotoslotto
- Ireland Lotto – irelandlotto
- Italy Lottomatica – italylottomatica
- Italy SuperEnalotto – italysuperenalotto
- Mexico Melate – mexicomelate
- New Zealand Powerball – newzealandpowerball
- Poland Lotto – polandlotto
- Romania 6/49 – romania649
- South Africa Lotto – southafricalotto
- South Africa Powerball – southafricapowerball
- Spain BonoLoto – spainbonoloto
- Spain El Gordo – spainelgordo
- Spain La Primitiva – spainlaprimitiva
- Switzerland Lotto – switzerlandlotto
- UK Lotto – uklotto
- UK Thunderball – ukthunderball
- Ukraine Megalot – ukrainemegalot
- Ukraine SuperLoto – ukrainesuperloto
- US California Fantasy 5 – uscaliforniafantasy5
- US California Super Lotto Plus – uscaliforniasuperlottoplus
- US MegaMillions – usmegamillions
- US New Jersey Cash 5 – usnewjerseycash5
- US New Jersey Pick 6 XTRA – usnewjerseypick6xtra
- US New York Cash4Life – usnewyorkcash4life
- US New York Lotto – usnewyorklotto
- US New York Take 5 – usnewyorktake5
- US Oregon Megabucks – usoregonmegabucks
- US Powerball – uspowerball
Grouped Lotteries Results
To show the latest results and jackpots by lottery, you can copy and paste below widget code in your webpage, where you wish the lotto info to appear (select your implementation platform):
1. Copy below widget code in a Notepad file
<div><?php $html = ""; $url = ""; $xml = simplexml_load_file($url); $description = $xml->channel->item->description; $html .= "$description"; echo $html; ?></div>
2. Edit the parameters XX and yyyyyy in the URL source on line 3 of the code, with the parameters you want, listed in Parameters table below
3. Paste the edited code in your .PHP webpage of your website, where you wish the widget to appear.
4. Visit your website and see how the widget shows the lottery results
1. Copy below widget code in a Notepad file
<div><?php $html = ""; $url = ""; $xml = simplexml_load_file($url); $description = $xml->channel->item->description; $html .= "$description"; echo $html; ?></div>
2. Edit the parameters XX and yyyyyy in the URL source on line 3 of the code, with the parameters you want, listed in Parameters table below
3. Paste the edited code in your .HTML / .HTM webpage of your website, where you wish the widget to appear.
4. As HTML/HTML files do not natively run PHP code, you need to add the following code line in the .htaccess file from the route of your website
AddType application/x-httpd-php .html .htm
If there is no file, you can create one. The .htaccess code may be different from a web hosting to another, so in case above code does not work, please view your hosting FAQ or contact their support and ask for correct .htaccess settings to run PHP code in HTML/HTM files
5. Visit your website and see how the widget shows the lottery results
1. If you are using WordPress as the platform of your website, you need to install a plugin like Insert PHP that can run the php code in your WordPress posts/pages
2. After installing above WP plugin, copy the code below in a Notepad file
<div>[insert_php] $html = ""; $url = ""; $xml = simplexml_load_file($url); $description = $xml->channel->item->description; $html .= "$description"; echo $html; [/insert_php]</div>
3. Edit the parameters XX and yyyyyy in the URL source on line 3 of the code, with the parameters you want, listed in Parameters table below
4. Paste the edited shortcode in your WP post, where you wish the data to appear (ATTENTION: select Text view when including the code in your post and save it like that – do not change back to Visual as it will break your code).
5. Visit your website and see how the widget shows the lottery results
1. If you are using Joomla as the platform of your website, you need to install an extension like Sourcerer that can run the php code in your Joomla articles
2. After installing above Joomla extension, copy the code below in a Notepad file
{source}<div><?php $html = ""; $url = ""; $xml = simplexml_load_file($url); $description = $xml->channel->item->description; $html .= "$description"; echo $html; ?></div>{/source}
3. Edit the parameters XX and yyyyyy in the URL source on line 3 of the code, with the parameters you want, listed in Parameters table below
4. On line 5, edit the value 10 with the max number of match results you want returned in the widget. Preferably to return a number of games equal with half the number of league teams.
5. Paste the edited shortcode in your Joomla article, where you wish the data to appear.
6. Visit your website and see how the widget shows the lottery results
Parameters: Language / Lottery
Edit XX with:
- English – EN
Edit yyyyyy with:
- Latest Lotto Results/Dates – lottolast
- Next Draw Dates/Jackpots – lottonext
- US Lotteries – uslotto
- European Lotteries – eulotto
- Australian Lotteries – aulotto
- Lat.Am. Lotteries – latamlotto
Data widgets available in this page are provided by